Friday, December 31, 2010

how to do good communition with your childern

good communtion is very important  between you and your childern when your childern grow up day by day.
the first one , listen: spend time listen  what they want to say and what they want to do ,do not say no in the momont , if  you really disaggre it , you can say it soft.The sceond is time: spend more time with your childern and let them know you care about them .the third is make good friend with your childern, sometimes your do not want to talk with you because scared you will angery or disagger their ideads , if you can be a good friend with them , they will be true you .
Time is money but childern more important than money .

when you plants

nearly for , I always have clear minds when I was plants ,especially I touch the soil  and deep , I can understand many  things  , maybe the emtion was relax , so I got many answer , I do not know how to say the feeling but sometimes I really need clear mind to think about something on the job.Plant really a good way to help me . Precipitation and know some life reason also can from plants .

how to make the sonw man cookies

In the chirstmas , person always make ginderbread house ,in the this time we make the snow man cookies with childern , first , we need batters and  flours , suger, second, we put batter and suger than mix it.last put in flours , third ,bake it 15~20 minutes in 150C .If it looks change color and change bigger, this time can wait 3~5 minutes than open the bakecase take the cookie out wait it cool .the end , you can use some lcing sugar  make snowman eyes ,nose ,and others you want.

Our christmas activites in 2010

our christmas activites was  in December 22, it was a little proformance and communtion with parents, the end was the ginderbread house DIY,total has two hours . At the activite before ,we prepare one moth and practice two weeks , this was the first time in this class to show and parents first time to see how the child learn in the class , after the night , we got many   good feed back and parents was very happy , we will try the best to improve children  learn in English also chinese , too.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Hw to teach child `Life`

nearly for, our school need we plan the garden in front of each classroom,so I talk with my students together than we deside to plant some flowers and fruits , vegetables. I paln plant  from the seeds , It was very good plan because it can let childern know how the plants growth and also improve their patients and careful also learn life , Now we plant one month already and plant many kinds of plants . Childern know how to take care and oberve than like it`s father or mother, sometime they can tell me which plants grows up or germation , I think life not only animals or person ,it slao on plants , childern will know and treasure.

Our christmas activites in 2010

Our Christmas proformaces in 2010

When your child grow up day by day

When your child grow up day by day , how do you feel ? how do you think about? Are you happy ? I thinlk that like chinese said: many feeling in my mind. Can you remeber   the day they broth? They was so small and cute ,when they were scick , you always can`t sleep all night even you are very tirde, when they can say mommy amd daddy , we  were so happy , the first step and ride the bike , the memery all made us feel so glad .Now , they are grow up day by day , not a infant , they are a girl or boy , sometimes , they had some ideas very different with you, sometimes you were very angary to them , how to do good communcation was very important to you and child , how to be a good partents and friends also test you , keep good emotion was a good home work to do .

how to map out your garden

             We must map out our garden in front of classrooms   at  our new school recently, the jobs about  soil preparation,  transplant , planting new plants you want. It is really hard to me, I never plant vegetables , trees , flowers , let alone soil preparation,  transplant , planting . I spend two weeks to soil preparation than plant how to make a beautiful garden and happy fram. We  try to plant some vegetables in our garden , like carrot ,celery,chive, strewberry , zinnia, sun flower,comos.I try to teach students how to plant it and take care  , oberve the plants how to growth .Now , our  carrot and sun flower was   germinated , it was excited us, we belive those plants will grow better and better. 

Monday, December 6, 2010

Studying again

Have you ever dream one day that can study when you were married and have two child. Some person heard that said: you must be crazy? You will be very tried? How can you balance in work, family and collage? Who can help you take care your child? Yes, so many questions around in my mind and from my friends even my mother and my young sister. But only my husband said just doing it, if you really want to do, don `t think too much about child, I can take care them. It was to touch to me.

My dream is get the college background and learn more knowledge in English. Before I came to collage learn English is a interest to me, I also try to teach my two child and my student, I hope them can interest in English, When I was a junior high school student, one day, I heard the ICRT on air, at the that time I did not understand what he said but it was attract me, from at that time learn English was my interest. Another supported me study in collage reason is when I knew pass the test and get my family supports, they agree me studied on the Saturday and Sunday than take care my two child, their advocate was the real supported me study in collage.

I still remember that week was the last week could enter collage test. I prepare everything hurry, than drive to the collage by my self first time, also I was lost way and spend two hours arrive there. Than when I came home spend two hours either, lost way again, I thought that if I must drive four hours every holiday, it was a long drive to me. So on the exam day my husband took me drive another way; it is real faster, just forty mines. The exams day was very hot and I felt nervous, too. After few weeks, I get the notify from collage that I pass the test, real lucky, I thought. Than we talk about hoe to take care child on holiday than I studied one year already now.

Final, I did not to repent study in the collage, of course my two child want me stop study and spend more time with them, in the collage, I knew many nice teachers and friends, we help each other and learn more know ledges from book also outside text books .It was a correct decision in my life.

My stress management

Did you have some stress on your job or family , everyone maybe have . point is how to do the stress management and get a new day . Some one said : happy a day , sad a day , do you want choice a happy or a sad day ? So, stress management is very important to us . Than , I will share my stress management. Some times I feel can not breath ,wear or some things very to perplex me. Maybe on the work or family .I will try to set free the stress and find the right to solve the problems , than tell myself use the forward ponder to think over ,but I still have a good way to set free the stress.

First , I will to ask a leave than eat a leisurely and carefree breakfast , drink a coffee and watch the magazine that I like.when I have a sunny morning time , I will drive my car along to leave for Shimen reservoir .There has very beautiful view and many parking speace, quiet and relex; also , I will walk around the Reservoir stockade to enjoy the sound from birds and bathes under the sun light , when I feel a little tired , can set on the chair or in my car , reading there also the best .

Next , in the lunch time , I will move to Taxi there is near the Shimen reservoir , Traditional good food is a good choice , sometimes full feeling also can let me happy .Walk on the traditional road let me think a lots of childhood memory ; it will let me feel as soon as the understanding samile .Ancient building let me to recalled the labor from beforehand person , so , now my stress just a little thing in my life, right now , I feel better. Last , in the afternoon , I will receive my two child home than cook dinner and we talk about the school on table than go to bed early , get ready every thing for new day coming. Because have a health and energy body must can reopen every thing.

My stress management is likely one day travel , it can really relax my stress.To admire the beautiful view and to enjoy the delicacies or reading , all the way can set free the stress, walked to out door and breath fresh air , pondered again , you will get new think over and analyze again. Does not want to injures itself or anyone, it will be awful yourslef and some person . Have the right ponder is important to every thing .It is dogged as does it.

How to do good communction to your child ?

                 Did you ever feel leaves sparsely with your child when they are growth up day by day, even you cannot understand what are they thinking?

I want share some suggestions maybe can improve you and your child closely.

The first one is use your ear: listen, if your child want talk with you, do not to do another thing just listen what he(she) say. And remember donor have bad emotion even you really very angry, just come down. When he (she) talk finish than you can share your ideas with child.

The seconded is time: give time together with your child, like family day or dinner time .if you have time, even just 10 minutes in the morning or more time in the evening, the time is to belong to you and your child, let your child know you are care about he (she), not only gave them matters or money, your consideration more than every thing to them.

The third is friend: to be good friend with your child, when they are grow up, they think friends are more important than family, if we can let child feel we are also good friend with them, they will like to share any thing with us, for example: my daughter is nine years old , some times we ware the same jacket or shoes , we go shopping together .

Good communion can less conflicts with your child, try to hear their thinking and give them more consideration , you not only get a good child also get a good friend.

you are really a good father

Since the third child coming , you are really changing , let me feel so warm and sweet. your phone call every day , always care about my feeling  , you know I can not drink milk because inflation confuse me , so you make juice every day for me , you know I can not wash dishes ,so you wash it every even you worked very late. you know I like to eat sour foods since pregnancy, so when comeing home , you always phone call and ask me what I want to know  I can not sleep very well espcially with Lynn and Risto , so you seelp with them . you know I really want give up my studying, so you support me more and more .I want to say thank you and I love  to you . you are really a good father and husband.

if you have the third child...

     Before I really dream one more child , because two child really to less when we are old .  I  still feel it just a dream to  me before three months.Now , we really have the thrid child in our family , since  worried to  happily , it is really dream come ture.
     Whene I kewn your coming , it was really confuse me two weeks , we did no want to change our life now , but also feel sad that give up you , so I went to ask someone , she said you are a good child , I known it was not right way to told myself .I am so sorry about that .Howevre , you still life in my body now and we really forward your coming.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The educational background to be equal to..... what ?

         Recently   I  confused about my educational background , I must finsh it or stop it , every time I saw my childs  hope me stay home with them or heared the sound in the phone , it is real bad feeling in my heart ,I will ask myself : what am I doing ? Am I a good mom? The educational background to be equal to one person face or paysheet . Sometimes  I really want to be a mother , yes , just a mother , housework, don`t  lost every  time can keep with my childs , but if I give up or stop now , it is a pity  , if I still work I need the educational background  but my child need me , too?

If the govergament wants imporve fertility rate

  The news wirted that : if a family has the third child they can get three thousands each months and  g et  more  a birth allowance

    .In the Erope many countries there has fruitful  birth allowance  ,from child broth to senior high school even college ,they can get allowance , a helpful system will advance  birth allowance ,when our goverment planed the birth policy before maybe can refer theothers .
  If  our child can get more interests , parental leave not only  for  government workers ,   more   fair  in the  sexism   , set up more baby- feeding center .If the goverment real want to do some things helpful     birth allowance ,they need  hard more .Others wise babies will less each years and old people add each years.
 Now , we have the third child ,we did a hard decision is save him (her ),relative is we must  plan every thing , specially money .


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

How to remeber 120 words in one week

   This semester we must remember 120 words in one week for new English, it is very hard work to the women - thirty years old, me.

     first day, I tried to from one to ...last, but it was not work to me, because I forgot them very soon, so I changed it, I used the ` fish bone that was our home teacher teached us, I draw a line than draw the fish bone, I spend half day finish it, it really work to me that remember the words, it was surprise me and gave me some self - confidence. Today is the second day, I hope can remember all words in this week and Want to say `thank you, teacher `!
       Do not forget listen the CD and speak the words  loundy!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Go to the Tunghai University

      After we went to the national museum of natural science, we decide go Tunghai University and eat dinner in Tunghai University night market . most people went to there and take the picture with the Luce church even me either. The Luce church is a big triangle and all yellow , it is really very beautiful building. The school not only for University students also has kindergarten ,elementary , junior , senior , is all stages for learning. There has grazing ground but we did not see any cows there , maybe the time did not right. We saw the many traditional houses there for students lived and many trees on two sides near load, it looks very beautiful view. The Tunghai University night market like Tien-mou and fcu University night market , the chicken feet jelly and ice lotus seed also good to eat.It is really good idea go to Tunghai University on your holiday.

Going to national museum of natural science

Last Sunday we went to national museum of natural science in Taichung.There has six areas can visit : The first is science center ,second is life science center, third is human cultural center , fourth is the earth environment center, fifth is botanical garden ,six is 3D theater ,also there has green outdoor place. It is very suitable for 5~12 age children. We spend all day there and have fun. Especial the 3D theater is really incentive, if you go there, you can not miss it. I want to introduce the science center to you. It has five floors and many science experiments can do, the B1F to 4F are for every age’s children, the fifth floor if for 4 to 8 age’s children and you can join the club to lend the science teaching aids .It is a pity to we live too far.There also has good restaurant where you can eat lunch or take rest .It is really good place to go on holiday.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

How do you teach child write words?

Do you know how to teach young childs write words and what kind pencil they use? Let me tell you some points that you need know.
frist, you must choice the big and trnigel pencil , you can buy it in a sationery store .next ,when you are teaching the word before, don`t forget let them kewn waht is mean and waht shape is it like? also you can let childs use the finger draw on table .last ,you can let them they try to write it . 
From my experience ,for 5 years age childs they can start write and get a lot of  self- confident than 4 ,even the words not really very well and sometimes looks like pictures,but they can do it better and better. 

Saturday, August 21, 2010


my hands are really rich full
why ?
it can`t contact soap and cleaner
if they contact that, they will become red , tickle and peeling  .
my    hand  didn`t have to wash dishes and clothes
they cann`t wear any gloves
so person call that ``RICH HANDS ``
But do you kown , I use msny ways to save this problem :
1.Vinegar: I put my hands in vingear every night 20mins before .
2.Rice washing water : I soak them in rice washing water hope can let them   better.
3.Steroid: I put many Steroid on them that let my hands feel better.
Fanilly , I still can not contact soap and cleaner  and wear any gloves ,also I got a good halper- my husband.
Thank you ~ my hands
Thank you ~ my husband.


Sky awayls tell us some informations
when   color       was bule
she  was    happy
when  color  was red
she was shy
when color was gray
she was sad
when color was black
she was tired
sky sky
we awayls look you and expect for any things
Are you hear
Are you see my friend
How about them
Are they well in your hug
Can you tell us
we really want to know
can you tell me

About child

We talked about our childs eductuon in this morning , than I found some different point in our way;for example:
1.Time: our work time are long and also busy , even when we at home must turn on the cell phone.
2.Rule: we have different rules in teach childs home work.
3.Concept: We don`t have the same concept .
I want to leave job amd take care two childs more,but Dvid  who doesn`t want me to do ,because he tought  I just por endurance in everything , I felt a little sad ,in fact he said that is fact ,but I really wanted to spent more time join our childs any activites.Form
my experince if we don`t spend more time in child who is young ,maybe you will spend time to jail to see him.How can I wait for?
But David doesn`t think so , he just worry about how I teach them at home and if I don`t   work how to blance the money from.
Also I don`t know how to save this problem.

Monday, July 26, 2010


    Today is the gradation for my sweet students,this is the fifth time in my job,
every time we hug and cry on  the day.It is the reason that I still work in kindergarden . 
     This time has some didfferent  , the principal allow us go to make up outside and  subsidy  expense. So,we have four hours went to make up and took relax to ready gradation in evening .
     Before the day , I renting a white dinner jacket ,some black flower bud sulk on waist, I hope can looks younger .Actuality  , I didn1t like to wear dinner jacket and make up like this .I must change different wearing every time and spend money .Maybe I am do not know luck in luck.Last time I hope can wear  uniform.^^

Thursday, July 1, 2010

A leaf

    When you saw a green and small leaf on the branch ,
    spring is coming ,
    bird is sing ,
   When you saw a green and full leaf on the tree ,
    summer is coming ,
    kids are ready go to the bench and swimming,

   When you saw a yellow  leaf on the floor ,
     fall is coming,



happy live that if you want

some times maybe  you will feel very bad and though the day is not your day,on the time, you can  sober  your emotion  than thought about another side on this thing.My mom is a optimism,she ever to run in to really bad in her marrige than she decided  to bring up my young sister and me by her selfe.She ever told me: happy is live and sad is live ,too.So,we can choose which life we wanted or not?

My busy life

               I am very busy in this semster,due to my campany  will move to another pace and  we must have 80 to 100 new students.OH~ my ,where is new students?
I must plan every ellorment activites and communition with teachers .And  I don`t got any more payshit.So, I feel  tired  often .Alomst every two weeks ,we must go to morning and night mark ,super markt evevn the weather  rain or not.Last time,we went to night mark where do ellorment ,we ate dinner take turns ,and  walked around ,smile  to people . Then the weather started raining ,we can`t give DM to people,so we go  to everyhouse and put in the DM.  We don`t give up easily and help eachother is our futer.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Chinese traditions - the Dragon Boat Festival

        The Chinese New Year on June 6 is China's Dragon Boat Festival,on the day, people will be dragon boat racing and eating stick rice dumplings to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan. Child will wear mirrors to prevent ominous things around. The door of every household wormwood and sprinkling the wine on them on behalf of peace. It is said that the origin of stick rice dumplings , it was the patriotic poet Qu Yuan to express patriotism and jumped into the Miluo River, people scared that fish were eat Qu Yuan. In this way to prevent the body of Qu Yuan, so the rice wrapped in leaves and thrown into the Miluo River. The later it evolved into what we are eating the dumplings. Which mirrors the origin of it is because of China's folk tales, White Snake, in order to drive away the white snake (not mascot) so with the wine on them, but gradually evolved into powder or realgar powder into the bag decoration, worn on the body, can prevent the ominous things around.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

In my English reading class ,what are the effects of reading strategy instruction and hoe does it influence my attitudes towards reading?

Before Reading Strategies in the Teaching of English newspapers to read but always three steps back, but recently read English newspapers, I suddenly felt much easier than before, and even most of the content can be about 80% or so, the English also increased interest and confidence in understanding the depth and breadth of vocabulary too much, under the guidance of teacher.Now ,I have to read the strategy is to use pictures and text echoes the reading strategies before and after method, for the first time, the first image and Title and first sentence of each paragraph and the last sentence read, probably know the contents of the article summary, then, after re-reading text, for words of understanding, the last part of the translation, and discussion group members, and ask students to compare the contents of the article raises doubts about the . Almost a year cumulative reading, progress in many, very grateful to the intentions of the teachers and students to help, I hope to have chance to take part after a similar teaching activities, continue to increase my English reading skills.

Chinese traditions - the Dragon Boat Festival

The Chinese New Year on June 6 is China's Dragon Boat Festival,on the day, people will be dragon boat racing and eating stick rice dumplings to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan. Child will wear mirrors to prevent ominous things around. The door of every household wormwood and sprinkling the wine on them on behalf of peace. It is said that the origin of stick rice dumplings , it was the patriotic poet Qu Yuan to express patriotism and jumped into the Miluo River, people scared that fish were eat Qu Yuan. In this way to prevent the body of Qu Yuan, so the rice wrapped in leaves and thrown into the Miluo River. The later it evolved into what we are eating the dumplings. Which mirrors the origin of it is because of China's folk tales, White Snake, in order to drive away the white snake (not mascot) so with the wine on them, but gradually evolved into powder or realgar powder into the bag decoration, worn on the body, can prevent the ominous things around.

Friday, June 4, 2010

capmper night people and day people

Chinese saying `the plan is on the 1st morning`. Means that the brain mind every morning is the clearest and most appropriate time to think and plan. However, in contrast, need to get up early and go to bed early. But modern people for a variety of factors often have the habit of staying up late, then stay up late evening to these people, we call, night owls `. Night owls are usually close before noon, get up late, eat breakfast and lunch in the same time. The most dynamic time for the afternoon to early morning, the more the spirit of better late. The day people are waking up the morning after the start of a day, is relatively wealthy and the most dynamic time for up to noon, and sometimes, some people need to nap, rest, about 1 hour, afternoon, spirit of the work until the evening, There was a research that the human brain and body system recovery is then at about 11 pm to 2 am or so, then it requires a lot of rest if the body during this period will be unable to obtain adequate rest the body damage, I hope everyone can take good care of your body.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

our puppy - cola

She is our puppy - Cola .
She was from my student - sandy whose parents ,they bought her in pets store Dec,after two days we talked about pets on telephant , Sandy`mom said she just bought a shbia but she want to sell her because she had asthma ,so she want found a good family pet little shiba.Than we went to saw the puppy soon and decide keep her.We call her Cola,the first reason is Lynn and Risto are not drink Coke Cola uasally, actually they drink soda drink less five times in a year.Next reason is chinese mean- we can feel happy with Cola.So we gave the name- Cola to the little puppy.Now, Cola wes six month ,we love her like family , we hope that we can do the best for Cloa.Also we hope if you have pet like us ,love it like love your family too.

Monday, April 19, 2010

How to make hand-vinegar

Busy modern people often forget care their health now. And pH is affecting the metabolism of in our body, so many people use a wide variety of vinegar to adjust the pH of the body now. The manual is hygienic and healthy . If you want to do hand vinegars,you can follow four steps .

First, cleaning of materials and processing - with a lot of water to wash fruit, cut fruit or nut is not available, a material of different options slice or cut. Next, the treatment dry - clean fruit on the filter, allowing the water to play out. Third, put it in the bottle - dressed vinegar bottle sterilization and drying needs in advance, then fruit, vinegar and sugar into the bottle base, fruits and sugar ratio of can put one layer of fruit, one layer of sugar, finally put in the vinegar ,
 after tight lid bottle than laced it at room temperature .Finally-standing fermentation - is the production of the most important steps to time in exchange for real taste. You can try it now .

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Advantages and disadvantages of living in city departments

                      Why heave many young couple like living in city departments now?what are the advantages and disadvantages of living department ? The first at all, the city apartments environment is more convenient than suburbs . For example , nearly school ,bus stop ,train station or highway. Next, it will be more safely, almost city apartments have security guards , it can filter out the people .Third,you don `t need spent a lots of time to clean the house. Fourth , elevator provides the convenient of go upper or down to lower floors.

Of cures ,city apartments also have some dis advantages . The first , you must pay some management fee every month. The second ,you can not choose your neighbor. Third , even pay the same money can bought bigger house in the suburbs. Forth, paying attention the volume at home.

You can choose any kinks of live house environment ,as we bought this house two years ago . Because many reasons and considerations , even city department also has some disadvantages .But it is really suitable of young couple or small family.

How make egg pudding

thees Making egg pudding is easy if you follow these instruction. First at all you need some material .powder of egg pudding 1 kg, cold water 6000cc,vessel , fuel. Next, let the powder of pudding mix in the cold water ,and stir them to completely dissolved .Third ,cook it and mixing time , be careful not to scorch it. Next,let hot pudding under cooling at room temperature .But if you want to put the pudding to each small packing , you can after cooling 10 minutes do it. And also you and put some raisins or cotton candy on pudding let pudding has more changes. Finally ,just put in cold storage of refrigerator. Wait 3 hours ,you can enjoys the egg pudding.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

How do I train my child to learn housework

      Since last September started, I started learning to use weekends to complete the unfinished dream, I want to get a university degree, seemingly simple things, however, created two of the kids of my great rebound, and in the first end of the semester , I also began to think to give up.
Because during the day to go to work at night to take and care of children, child's homework and corrections, homework are in my shoulders, rather than my husband do not help, he is busy, Only am grateful for that, is almost 12 points a day before his work, but also to help clear meals bowl. It has made me very touched, because then the little boy back to school, prior to the agreement is good, my wealth is not suitable for hand-washing dishes bowl symptoms Therefore, cleaning work is handed over to him, he was gladly accepted. As for the other household-sharing, it is in this semester, has been dramatically changed.
         I am a kindergarten teacher, often seen in recent years because of the relationship between the declining birthrate, it is almost everything the children are parents, grandparents, themselves, afraid their children dirty hands and wet clothes. Examples There is a little boy in my class, he is a big classes student .One day, his mother came to school to pick him up, he was wiping the table to help the teacher than his mother said the next: Teacher, my children come to school is to learn, not to rub on the table. You guess what? I smile the moment against the mother said;:Of course, the baby go to school to learn, and wipe the table is also a learning experience . In fact, you let him learn every things in kindergarten of the affairs and basic skills,than he went to outside made fun of his peers will not come .Well, classroom is everyone's, every person has a responsibility to maintain the environment and clean up it. Do you agreement? Of course, the moment the mother also agree with me who said, after which she will be more assured that the home-wai a treasure to me to teach. After that, of course, the same mom or dad for this kind of issue to be raised by a small number, And I still have to be consistent ideas and communicate with them.
         And in my life, my children is how division of labor it? 8-year-old sister, is responsible for folding clothes, dry clothes and clothes into the washing machine Jiang and classified the work of 4-year-old brother, is responsible for dry socks, folding socks, will close down and dry the clothes into the dryers, the father is responsible for washing dishes bowls, and sometimes they also responsible for sweeping and mopping the floors. through our concerted efforts, under very quickly we can the completion of chores of. If we like traveling holidays , make sure everyone was out with the housework done. In fact, the beginning, there was no deliberate ask them is to first use to teach in a manner that slowly accumulated bit by bit the.
        You may ask me, that if they do wrong with that? Has just begun, there will be less than ideal situation, do not scold them right away, it should be after the first, thank you and encourage clear that, if so how it can be a better . I believe that, after repeated efforts, they will do great. You may ask me again, that kids will want to reward? My answer is, do not wait for children to reward, but rather took the initiative to reward their children, in the Our family is based on cumulative points system, two housework can change a star, a star is 1 droll may seem small, but not too little accumulated ~ More recently, because the childcare's birthday soon arrived, respectively in May and June, we have set a new system is an extra reward if they can reach 50 at the birthday star can in exchange for a wish. This method for the 8-year-old sister, quite attractive, 4 year-old brother was driving in the sister's efforts to reach the next.
          In the last week, I returned home after class and found the home had been cleaned up outside the balcony of the clothes are collected at the well, folded, and is neatly placed in the wardrobe, full hearts can not help but be deeply touched. Of course, not forgotten to the President and the children greatly encouraged. the above is my personal sharing and collective experience, you may to try?, perhaps, have different harvest ~ also do not forget that children are coming to imitate adults, teaching by example, and give verbal directions are very important and key.

How to cultivate children's reading habits

How to cultivate children's reading habits

                 According to survey results indicate that the average 13-year-old former child love to read, will take the initiative to read the ratio is about 50 percent less, most of the time on television and in front of computers than the percentage was about 70 But its proportion is gradually rising.
I still remember last week when I am on duty at the school gate, the middle shift received a bleary-eyed children, got off, even the station stood instability strike when Dad said:yesterday, he played to 12 points before electric sleep.

I ask in my mind:why you let him play video games to 12 points? that he was less than 5 years of age, it seems the modern concepts and methods of rearing and educating parents and what we seem to imagine there are many gaps. After that, in the detailed and their class teacher to understand, before we know his mother was a foreign brides.fatherin addition to work during the day, the return home with their children playing computer, while the kids wait for his father off before he is willing to shut down. No wonder every day to school bleary-eyed .
Are today's kids In addition to computers and watching television and have no other interest in or do do do? Which we as parents should be how to foster children's reading habits and interest in art?
               I think I am not the mother of 100%but at least read this part of the culture, but also self-evaluation, 80 points, the following, I will share how I develop my home two precious reading habits and interests.
                 1. Childhood reading.
              From my oldest son was born, he got the first book, is a bath book, this time in the bath when the toys, I carried my baby can also be read in conjunction with his book, naturally baby's favorite. Then down, baby into the oral period, like the item into the mouth, so, my mother prepared a cloth book for baby to play, not only easy to clean baby's mouth also have to worry about security issues. 6 months later, I had prepared for the Baby Lara book and a simple audio books, in the past one years old, I intend to touch the book. in a series of arrangement, baby for the book, such items, it is already very familiar with the book of life has become non-or one of the missing toys.
                  2. Parent-child reading
                     I am a career woman, a day after returning to work early and come home to take care of children and organize household chores, I believe that many mothers will have the same feeling, that is, a word `tired. Yes! Really tired, but in order to baby the future is worth the hard bar
! I stick to help the baby a bath, unless the overtime, because then the bath is part of our intimate time, helped him in the dressing, you will feel the joy and surprise that growth. I am also very much insist on their own at night with children, parents and children read them together before going to sleep because two of our favorite moments, my husband's work is very busy most of the time, all my kids were accompanied reading, compared to Mr. Line and then have ample time with their children, when possible, by He and I take turns to accompany children to read, my son is now an 8-year-old and 5-year-old, we still go to bed before the parents and children every day were read, the kids will want to sleep because there are a total of the previous read and will abide by all the family norms. Therefore, parent-child reading for us, really the two things in one fell swoop 唷.
                   3. The children studied under many of the books
                        I always say; what my family more than his books. In addition to the book someone else other than, of course, buy! In fact, at first because they have to work to take care of children but also to study, so the only option for my children's books, Later, the child is getting, and take them to the Eslite bookstore, in addition to enable them to immerse in the book world, but also to learn the etiquette in public places. kids surprised me is that 4-year-old son once took a The Monkey King comic books, about 50 pages or so! a tender age, he is now able to read quietly in the beginning I worried that he was just casually looking through, what they would have no patience, and the results made me surprised. What is the book her sister would try to read, perhaps because girls in it, most of them are choice art books are more creative or arts and crafts related to the type of book. I would say is no need to prohibit their children to see what type of books , of course, except for restricted or excessive violence. as long as the children can enjoy in the book or find a little bit of fun, it will be worthwhile.
                     4. Parents need to read
                        Each parent must all be, Succeed, Wang Cheng-feng women. A child of any act in any language, in fact come to imitate, if the parents can at any time at rest, that's book to read books, the children will naturally after a long time mimic your behavior, the children will be curious, are you looking at? really have that look nice?, etc. ... doubt. and let the kids active spontaneity of reading, than the effect of passive come much better. When we re-prepared before the exam, the mother is always pushing behind the scenes; do not hurry to go to study, that was pushed into the mood was really hard to bar! active if it is able to pick up the book to, is not it feel different?
                      All in all, develop the habit of reading it takes time to accumulate, but if you can work from now on, for our children's future, even though he may not be able to read the results because the top, even though he may not be able to read while because of grand achievement, but ,. Please be assured that he would love to read but because of their own piece of the sky.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

To my sister in law - Su-Mei

             Up to now I still can not accept, you have left us this fact.
I do not know why God he has done such an arrangement
Which we are all still need you when you picked up
In the Cheng Ching , Yun Zheng is in need of companionship when you are
He chose to take you away
As the immediate past distinctly
Your laughter
Your well taken care of
Your listen topatience
You teach each children
Are so I can not forget ah
My mother in law asked me:

Do you really turned into stars in the sky and
Which one
She did not know
When she had finished dinner out to see did not see
20:00 going out to see when they did not see
10 :00, and she would like to know you better turned into the sky where a star
I do not know how to tell her
I can only comfort her
If the mother had been sad
If You know, they you will be sad
We have to take care own
As you look at the illness does not remind us to laugh, be happy
But every time a thought of you,
And how to laugh out of how fun it
Sister, my dear sister
I tried to convince myself that bless you
But the heart has been in doubt
Like mother
Why is you? Why do you have to bear the long sickness of people can not afford?
Why do you want such a strong will to mental illness for possession?
I'm really good having left you to leave
In the memorial service at the
I once cried to are neither
To hear the husband say to you when it is heartbreaking and heart ache
I know, the most distressed people are husband and two children and mother,father
And those of us brothers and sisters and wives of brothers inside do is for you to take care of your husband, and the children be properly
And filial piety for you mom and dad be properly
Let you even not here and also can be happy in heaven watching us
Finally, if I can, whether or not I can ask God, Why you picked up my sister ?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

My busy and happiness life

 My busy and happiness life

I wake up  on six every morning  , take my child go to school on seven than go  to office on eight. Six o'clock in the afternoon I came home and take my child .Six to nine is really busy in the evening, because we must eat dinner ,take a shower, help them finish their homework .they are really simple to me ,but to a eight and five ages child , they need more time to do .

Exactly,we have a puppy this years , so I feel busier than before. But ` Love your choice and choice you love.

From Monday to Friday are my family days ,Saturday to Sunday are my study day. I thought tried last semester and wanted to give up . This semester better and relax I felt .Now , my life also busy but happiness.

To my daughter Lynn my son Risto